Emergency Weather Response

The St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren County Continuum of Care is working with area churches to provide the Emergency Weather response program (EWR) through March 15, 2024.

Please note the NEW PHONE NUMBER: 636-395-0328

This program is activated to provide safe sleep overnight when the weather is predicted to be 20 degrees or below, at local area churches.

Find out if the program is activated by calling the above number after 3:00pm on the night they need a safe sleep location. The recording will provide the location and time the location is open for safe sleep. If a person needs transportation assistance to the safe sleep location, volunteer transportation dispatchers will return calls later in the day and arrange transportation to the open shelter. To receive more information regarding the Warming Center Response, click here

For those wanting to learn more about volunteering with the program, contact Danielle Borunda at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

For general warming centers and their hours you can find a current listing of locations in Missouri and Illinois.



EWR Numbers

2022 - 2023 Season in a Nutshell
-Planning began in August when potential warming center locations were contacted
-EWR manual was updated
-10,000 EWR information cards were distributed throughout the Tri-County area via many organizations helping to spread the word
-Volunteers were trained in October, November and December
Calvary Church - Mid Rivers
Calvary Church - St. Charles
Chapel of the Cross
Faith UCC
First Baptist Wentzville
First United Methodist
Harvester Christian Church
Lincoln County Health Department with Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Troy
St. John UCC
St. Peters Catholic Church
Wentzville Christian Church
Kathy Thompson - Co-Leader
Tiffany Jackson and her team members
St. Charles Fire Department
Wentzville Fire Department
Volunteers who transported the trailers to warming centers
200+ people who attended trainings and were prepared to serve
Community Council staff for data collection
Chad Haferkamp for pulling data together
People who washed all the bedding
Additional people from the community and police officers who transported homeless neighbors to warming centers