Tri-County Continuum of Care

The Community Council of St. Charles County is the lead agency for the St. Charles, Lincoln, and Warren County Continuum of Care.

The Continuum of Care homeless coalition addresses homelessness in our community. We collect information about the extent of homelessness in our community, inventory shelter and other homeless resources and identify gaps in services for the homeless. Coalition members work closely together to make efficient use of existing resources as well as to develop new homeless resources for the community. Participation in the Continuum of Care process allows agencies to apply for competitive federal funding to provide homeless services in St. Charles County .

The Continuum model of homeless services includes:

  • Outreach/Intake & Assessment
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Transitional Housing and Supportive Services
  • Permanent Supportive Housing and Permanent Housing
  • Rapid Rehousing of homeless families as appropriate

Coordinated Entry was established in 2018 and is working well. In 2022, our amazing Coordinated Entry Team took over 10,000 calls from some of our most vulnerable neighbors who are unhoused.  During the Point In Time count day, volunteers do make contact either in person or via phone calls from St. Vincent de Paul volunteers. From these contacts, our Coordinated Entry Team will circle back to see if additional resources are needed or in some cases a kind voice on the journey to housing together. Check out our video for an overview of Coordinated Entry and its benefits for our community.

The Continuum of Care meets virtually on the 3rd Friday of each month at 9am. 

  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information or to join the Continuum of Care.


CoC Meetings